Politics : Award Winning Viewpoints from Liberal Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory

Saturday 15 January 2011

Labour are back in power!

Episode 4 Darth Vader Points Leia New Details On Star Wars MMO
"And no anchovies!" Cameron gets
tough with Theresa May. Clegg rather
 likes anchovies but says nothing.

We won! We won! Rejoice! Well, when I say we won, I mean that the Labour Party won. I'm not entirely sure that means 'we' but at least it means the Tories didn't win. My enemy's enemy etc. Yes, the Tories lost and that means the end of tyranny and injustice throughout the land. Tiny Tim will live, no more cuts, no more VAT rises, no more student fees, no more public executions...

I don't think I am over-stating it when I say it's the constitutional equivalent of destroying the Coalition Death Star - or were the Coalition the goodies? I don't know and, frankly, this is no time for fact checking. Darth Cameron and his stormtrooper Jabba the Clegg have seen their forces routed by the cuddly new E 'wok' Miliband...What are you saying Chewbacca? The Coalition hasn't collapsed? The Death Star wasn't destroyed?  We are still facing a winter feeling the full force of the cuts.

Always bad news
Well, looking on the Mr Brightside at least that's one less seat that Labour have to win. Two less for the Coalition majority. We're a step closer to the promised land and a new era of hope and fair government. What is it Lassie? You mean Labour already held the seat? Labour won the seat in May but a special court found ex-Labour minister Phil Woolas made false statements about the Lib Dem candidate and the result was declared void. So Labour won a seat they already had. Even so, Lassie, it's a morale boosting result for everyone who opposes the evil Coalition.

Time at least for a few rousing words to Labour's Rebel Alliance massing on Saddleworthonia. Time for one of those inspiring speeches that Eddie M has become famous for, here it comes: "I think the voters of Oldham east and Saddleworth have sent a very clear message to the government about some of the things they've been doing" 'Some of the things,' Eddie? Only, 'some of the things'? Well, that showed them. What a battle cry. It's like Father Ted's "Down with that sort of thing."

Ed Miliband
In case you don't recognise him
- this is the less well known Miliband
We don't like 'some of the things' the government is doing! How very considered. Which bits do we like? "We don't like the cuts and stuff but we do really like the new wallpaper in the Cabinet Rooms." Hang on, don't panic, there's more: "But more importantly, I hope the government will listen to what they've said about those key issues." You tell them Eddie, I 'hope' they listen too...but what if they don't?" Here comes the knock out blow: "This is the first step in a long journey for Labour." Sorry, but I feel a bit depressed now. I think I might go home and cry...

More importantly, at least the the Lib Dems lost, and if there is one thing we dislike more than Tories, it's the Parliamentary Liberal Democrats. I say 'Parliamentary' because, to show I am not a complete bigot, I want to admit that some of my best friends are Lib Dems. It would be a bit awkward in Bathavonton to get the right numbers for dinner parties if we could only invite Revolutionary Syndicalist Reactionaries like ourselves. To the RSRs, any agreement on a time or a menu for dinner would signify an acquiescence to bourgeois bureaucratic tendencies and would require an immediate programme of re-education.

In the old days, Liberal dinner guests always seem so easy to please. Always on time. So polite. Never overstay their welcome. They may not always have agreed with the principles of the RSR, but at least they expressed the appropriate level of guilt for their divergence from the the correct ideology. They were keen to assure everyone, 'that they had heard Bash Street Comp was very good, it's just that Eton was a family tradition.' Inviting a Lib Dem to dinner used to be like inviting the punchline. The Party were so charmingly ineffectual, you just had to vote for them occasionally. Their conversion to the 'dark side' has been like discovering that the little boy you sponsored through school turned out to be one of the Taliban. But now we know what they are really like we won't fall for that again...will we?

Skip - "You are dumber than a sheep"
Hang on Skippy, you must be mistaken. The Lib Dem share of the vote went up? THE LIB DEM VOTE WENT UP? Obviously, a party that has proved itself to be utterly untrustworthy and lacking in any moral fibre has become more popular. Of course it has. Now that it is clear that the Lib Dems are led by two of the most cynical and self-serving politicians of our time - against some very strong opposition - it is obvious that they should gain the respect of the British electorate. In fact, looking at the result, it appears that Clegg and Cable's duplicity has been so pronounced that a lot of confused Tories ended up voting for them. What colour do you get if you mix blue and orange. It can only be a matter of time.



  1. Ohhhh soo much to pick on!
    If you are a RSR, what on earth are doing siding with Labour? I'm confused. Labour had plenty of time to reverse stuff that Thatcher did but the chose not to, end of!
    Don't confuse the party with the poor sods who vote for it. The Lib Dems have always been a joke and they clearly peddled certain beliefs so they could create jobs for themselves.And your blinkered approach to who CAUSED the need for cuts, my gosh.

    One little election in a traditioally Labour area. Not only should you NOT get excited but I am questioning the fact this event has brought you such joy. Party politics are juvenile, you cannot mingle with party politics and retain any level of integrity.
    Those minor points aside, a very good read. Thank you.

  2. A bit disappointed that no-one mentioned the root cause of all this - Thatcher. Without her Labour would not have become tory wannabees obsessed with the right soundbite (there can be no other reason for Alastair Campbell can there?). Without her completly changing the ground rules in politics and turning Britain into a country with no industry to speak of, reliant on service and financial industries we wouldn't be in this mess. Without New Labour following her practices, admittedly without the evil intent to destroy parts of the country that she possessed, we wouldn't be in this mess. It is Thatcher's fault.

  3. I'm not sure about the irony you are refering to Joe and I will be glad if you point it out. But I really hope Kitey is being ironic in the comment above! If that is not irony then it's the most pathetic excuse for selling out on what you stand for, I've ever seen. Blair and his lot were as much Labour as I am anorexic. In the long run, in two or three centuries what will Blair be remembered for? The 1st labour government to behave just like a right wing capitalist and a labour government who lied through it's teeth to get us involved in an imperialistic war for oil and opium.
    And on a personal note, my biggest pet hate about Blairism, their leveling urge to call everyone by their first name. So "Tony" who should have been called Mr Blair or the Priminister, while he represented this great nation of ours, can (now he is of no concequence once more) be affectionatly called by me "Mr T+@tface ba"*+@d the sell out". Not much of a ring to it but it is a little more formal than "Tony".

  4. touché, I will read again more carefully, however I reserve the right to believe that you speak with fork tongue on purpose.
    I will now reverse into my hole and wind my neck back in.

  5. I am not supporting or excusing Blair but saying his tactic to win was to ape Thatcher, believing that she had moved the country irreversibly away from Labour's original ideals. Without her interventions New Labour would not have existed
