Bathwick won the award for it's exceptional record at Key Stage 2 exams over a number of years, however, Mr Burnett, the Headmaster told The Sunday Times: “We celebrate achievement and academic results but what matters every bit as much is that our children leave us as well-rounded individuals on course for happy, fulfilled lives. I live and breathe this job – it is a privilege because what we are doing here can change a child’s life for the better for ever.” I agree, the results are great but their focus on producing independent young people who have learnt to learn is a harder task and a greater achievement. That is a real education.
When I was looking for a school for my children, I asked Mr Burnett, what was Bathwick's secret? He told me he believes a school should be a learning environment for everyone: children, staff and parents. It was inspiring stuff. The expectations on performance therefore extend across the whole school and there is certainly a bearable but conscious pressure for everyone in the school community to do just a little bit more. The school sets high standards.
When I was a young boy, my mum set high standards as well. The standards of the 'genteel' working class. High expectations about behaviour, a spotlessly clean house, smart clothes for public appearances and a slightly patronising attitude to anybody she knew who did not match up. This did not extend to anybody from a 'posh' background. In mum's eyes, they set their own rules - rules that she could never fully understand but that she knew, with every aspirational breath, were superior to her own. A confident, gossipy woman when chatting to other women on our street - just a word from a teacher or a doctor, pretty much the poshest people we ever met, would reduce her to a state of awed subservience.
Unfortunately, my house is a mess and my general appearance is unruly to say the least. However, her standards gave me a good start and I did take to heart two things from my mum's prejudices. 'Posh' people got an education and ''posh' people got away with more stuff because they were educated. Instead of calling it anti-social, you could call it bohemian or relate it to something Evelyn Waugh had once written. My long-term lesson, for good or bad was that 'posh' people had more fun, experienced more things and had more variety in their lives. Whatever my motive that became the focus of my aspirations.
Education, therefore, has always been close to my heart. In one way or another I have spent my whole life 'in education'. From the first inspiring Topsy and Tim stories, through school, several universities, LEA and political jobs, a period as a school governor and currently working for exam boards, I have had almost pathological attachment to education. 20 years ago, despite being at a Grammar school, expectations were low and I didn't set myself high enough standards. For a naturally bright but incredibly lazy boy with parents who had never taken a public exam, it was far too easy to coast. Many talented and bright kids fell out of the system completely. What a waste.
So, how is Bathwick St Mary's award good news to anyone not related to the school? My limited experience of schools meant that I thought Bathwick was setting truly exceptional standards. However, in the last month or so I visited a large number of schools, from private to bog standard comps in different parts of the country. Schools facing a much greater variety of challenges than a Bath primary school. I've had the opportunity to observe classes, talk to staff and pupils and even take part in some lessons. It struck me that the things that had grabbed my attention when I visited Bathwick were actually evident in all the schools I visited. Nowadays, it seems, there are less places to hide.
Now class please don't be cynical. Poor mistreated schools. No matter what they achieve, there are always Cassandras predicting tales of educational woe due to easier exams and falling standards. They simply can't win. Of course there are still massive problems, especially within some big cities, but there is a lot of very good work going on out there. Polly Toynbee's book 'The Verdict' concluded that education had been one New Labour's genuine success stories. You can't make children succeed but if a child wants to succeed they probably have a much better chance than 20 years ago.
Education unlocks doors. For some children it is the only key they will ever have.
(Answers on the comments board about what the Wombles can teach us)
Please pass this on to all your friends!
Congrats to your school, from my own experience it gives fantastic peace of mind when the children are in an environment such as the one you described. My own experience is that there is one critical factor in a school - the headteacher. Everything stems from them and they are capable of driving and inspiring the teachers and pupils alike. Conversely a bad Head can do real damage to a school. I agree that there are a significant number of schools that are either failing or not doing as well for their pupils as they could, I would suggest that the majority are down to how well they are led.
ReplyDeleteYeah, congrats, we thought of getting our kids into Bathwick but were told that they would be turned down due to the fact that they weren't bright enough and would lower school standards. As it turns out, I found that supporting your NEAREST school a far better practice for the WHOLE of society rather than the SELECT few. But if your happy to further an every increasing elitist society Bathwick is the perfect first step.
ReplyDeleteIsn't your nearest school Batheaston? Swainswick? not Bathampton?
ReplyDeleteThere was never any 'selection' process involved in the admission. My children were not setting the world alight. Indeed one had slipped a long way behind before going to Bathwick.
I've heard all sorts of rumours about Bathwick none of which have been confirmed. Almost all the schools in Bath are religious schools and so many will have the same admissions criteria as Bathwick.
I suppose the point is that the culture and what Mr B said to me when I visited just struck a chord and his resistance to seeing education just a set of tests should be applauded. As Kitey said Headteachers make a huge contribution and I suspect he would be successful anywhere.
We should be happy that so many state schools are setting such high standards. Not criticising them. Bit rich coming from me obviously!
Our kids were at a close school but in a moment of fear for their future, worried that with the excessive number of "special needs" at said school, it could in fact, be rubbing off. That's why we looked to change. We've moved to an equally close school and now realise that our kids are special too.
ReplyDeleteYou're special too Devil's Avacado.
ReplyDeleteThanks, its where the kids get it from I'm sure. Thanks for being to catherteric in your support
ReplyDeleteBrilliant, absolutely brilliant
ReplyDeleteIt's called Care in the Community I think.
ReplyDeleteI was mightily relived to find that my own children's school was not in the top ten. Imagine the kind of parents who'd be clammering to get their precious little things in there, regardless of the cost to their own community, the environment and the social well being of their kids. I witness the results of 'choice' every morning whilst trying to walk my children to school amidst all those stressed-out high achievers, ferrying captive children in speeding tanks.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a bit cheap to characterise the debate this way.
ReplyDeleteIn my case I was very unhappy with the lacklustre local school that was utterly failing at least one of my children. If only all local schools were as good as Bathwick. They are not. No clammering on my part, I simply asked and there was a place.
It wasn't much further away and we enjoy cycling down the canal retty regularly. A much a higher proportion walk to the new school than the old 'local' school which attracted people from all over the place.
The social-welfare of their kids is helped a lot by being confident. Being ignored and having their individual needs ignored by the local school was not doing either's confidence much good. They have both blossomed in the new school.
Whilst I was a governor at the local school it school had to install another class because there were so many siblings from out of the 'local' area that the genuine 'local' people could not get in.
ReplyDeleteThe situation is slightly more complicated than 'anonymous' 13:55 describes.
should have read 'because there were so many siblings from outside the local area'...
ReplyDeleteI think you would be well advised to analyse closely the socio-economic make up of every school!!!!
ReplyDeleteI taught for 8years in the inner city (Bristol)and the quality of teaching was second to none! Far better than anything I've seen in rich cities where staff rest on their middle class, pushy parents to do at least half the job for them. And when all fails private lessons kick in. A school in England is as good as it's intake. By the way I taught in a High School, not little people. Has any one looked at the hosue prices in Bathwick? How many of their students are on free school meals? I actually moved into their catchment area but did not bother moving my son since he was happy where he was. Not achieving much academically (but then again he is my son) but happy!
All the schools which serve the more afluent parts of Bath are much of a muchness. I'm sure the staff and Head are great, I don't want to rob them of their moment of glory. All I am saying is that my ex colleagues in Bristol were legends and masters of their craft, but that did not always show in the results, sadly.
I think you should try reading my post.
ReplyDeleteI have read it again, sorry Joe I'm not completely with you (special needs individual here). My point is education is not better. I saw first hand what was going on in Bristol and it is second rate eduacation for second rate citizens. The wealthier the intake the better the school. Standards are falling. The have a new GCSE called Leisure and Tourism (wtf) where they put all the non academic kids and so many can choose to drop History and Geography at the ripe old age of 14! I left because of all the shit that was going on. Too many managers on less than half time tables and more than double a teachers salary. Total crap. I am glad you have found a haven for your kids. But so many kids in this country attend shit holes.
ReplyDeleteTeresa, obviously one of the cities with big educational problems is Bristol. However, inner-city does have to mean poor standards. I worked in education in Islington and saw very poor childrenmany with English as a second language, in inner-city schools achieving amazing results at primary level and at secondary (not in Islington).
ReplyDeleteAlso I think the teachers I visited would take a great deal of offence to your characterisation. The school I visited near Leeds was getting outstanding results despite the social deprivation. The children responded to the high expectations placed upon them. No one was categorising the children second rate citizens.
Perhaps celebrating the success of all state schools rather than picking spots based on demographics would be a good start?
We used to get brilliant results in Bristol against the odds. Our value added was very good. League tables and result tables cannot express to the outside world the fact that such a high percentage of our kids were first generation immigrant children who hardly spoke any English and in some cases had never attended school at all in their native Somalia. So when a child like that leaves school with no GCSEs but can speak English, THAT is one amazing thing, but it will show as a failure in league tables. The problem with education is that every sodden government has a go at reforming it for their own ends. In my 10 years or so of teaching I have witnessed one wave of new initiatives after another. The three part lesson, the four part lesson, citizenship blah blah. And one senior manager after another just implementing, never leading us as a profession, never representing us, just f*+#ing implementing. The 3 part lesson??? The partronising b"*^~#ds, as if any teacher worth his salt EVER walked into a classroom and had kids doing one solitary activity for a whole hour. "Today children we are going to write!". Honestly Joe if only I could let you see inside my head and share my experience of secondary education.... Sorry I have really ranted. That's it I am done. I am not in disagreement with you at all and I think that classroom teachers in this country are heroes.